Tuesday, January 26, 2010


"The more open and forgiving you are with regard to your missteps, the less likely you'll feel doomed or defined by them."
-Terry Trespicio, "The Magic of Mistakes"

I am really trying to take this idea to heart today.

Here are some things I'm thankful for today:

1. Madeliene L'Engle's thoughts on God and life in her Crosswicks Journal-a kindred spirit
2. the beautiful white and purple flowers sitting on my desk thanks to my roommates
3. "Wicked" the book-very well written
4. Joanna Newsom's beautiful harp music and creative lyrics
5. vegan food-yum
6. pretty new bra-yay

Things I've prayed for today:

1. Mr. Gustafsson-he's lonely
2. a friend I'm concerned about
3. myself-for strength and hope
4. the hurting people in Haiti

Can you tell I love lists? As one of the kids at work would say....delicious lists! (He says delicious before everything)

I hope everyone is doing great...

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