Monday, May 24, 2010

Make a hummingbird feeder

I plan to make one of these for my Dad's birthday, but I got the idea from this interesting blog called Tug at Nature. It has lots of neat nature/science stuff. All you need is a glass bottle, a wire hanger and some tools and you're all set to make a cheap hummingbird feeder .

picture courtesy of Birds and Blooms magazine

Friday, May 21, 2010

Weird Friday

Maybe I'm not disciplined enough to post everyday like I thought. But I'm going to try.

This will be a combination of Healthy Happy Wednesday and Question Thursday.
In honor of HHW, I suggest you eat about every 4 hours, don't drink anything but water or tea, and eat at least 2 veggies or fruits and some protein. That's my goal for tomorrow.

And my question for you to think about is: what can you do today to connect with someone in a meaningful way (excluding texting, emailing, and facebooking)?

And here's a picture I thought was great. I'd like to be in that car right now, looking at the big Mitten!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thumbs Up Tuesday!

Today I cried about 4 different times, then broke down and got an ice cream cone at Braums and went for a drive around the lake. I feel better. Just thought you should know. Oh, and I am now qualified to teach 4-12th English! Yay! Someone give me a job please!

Today is Thumbs Up Tuesday, though I'm aware I skipped Make Something Monday. As soon as I make what I want to post about I'll do it.

Let's get the bad news over with first. Here are some things I have been DIS-liking, and no, this is not an exhaustive list. If something near and dear to your heart is on the list, let me know why you disagree! But I probably still won't like whatever it is! :)

chick lit-unless it's historical fiction chick lit...then I may like it :)
Robot chicken
hating Obama's health care plan without knowing anything about it
Saved by the Bell-ugh, the clothes!
HD radio that comes from somewhere on the East Coast
the movie Airplane
playing the stock market instead of having a real job
Zooey Deschanel's speaking voice and singing voice-it sounds contrived...unnatural? I don't know, just not for me I guess.
500 Days of Summer
bedazzled purses, shoes, etc. (especially if worn by females over 12)
Maxim and their "how to cheat" cover story (but just Maxim in general)
Dinosaur Comics
Lady Gaga (though I do like her clothes)
labels on my clothes (including Chanel, Luis Vuitton, what-have-you)
Stephen King's books

Ok, on to the FUN list! The LIKE list!
Ryan Bingham
Cat Power
researching Obama's health care plan and coming up with a rational opinion
King of the Hill
Forever 21/Target/Dillards on sale
Kate Miller-Heidke-recommended by Ben Folds as well as by me!
valuing hard work
Calvin and Hobbes
Panera Bread (or copying their recipes at home)
Esquire-(as opposed to Maxim) and why shouldn't people occasionally read something targeted to the opposite gender? It grows your mind.
Family Matters
public radio that comes from my local community
The Middle East "Blood"

And this concludes my thumbs down/thumbs up litany.

Oh and here is a gratuitous cute picture from

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Saturday night's alright

I've been in a slump :(. I'm sure most of you can relate! Little things that annoy, hurt, and exhaust me stack up and then tonight I wind up sitting at a friend's wedding feeling very isolated from people. So I left early. But I'm soothing my senses now with Grizzly Bear, Horsefeathers, Massive Attack, and Sarah Jaffe. Sarah is this singer I've heard a lot about lately...and I kind of dismissed her because she is younger than me, and sometimes nothing annoys me more than someone younger than me who is doing something I'd love to be doing myself. But I swallowed my jealousy and actually listened to her music and I like her voice, her music, and what lyrics I have paid attention to. Much success to you young lady. I have a green apple lollipop in my mouth and I am feeling mellower now and about four books are softly calling me to my comfy bed.

Pic is from

Free Friday!

I went to Goodwill today and I found this fun Yellowstone park plate for a dollar. If YOU want it, let me know and I'll send it off. I want Friday to be sometimes Free Friday, and sometimes Fun Times Friday.

Today I went to the animal shelter to play with kitties, had a hamburger at Kincaid's and browsed Goodwill so I really don't have anything to complain about. I also went to see the new Robin Hood movie with like 20 people I know, and that really made my day just being around them all. The movie was absolutely great the first half, but then I started noticing all the loose plot ends and silly flourishes that kept the movie from being a new favorite. Why can't movie directors and screenwriters just occasionally opt for a more subtle approach and modest scope? Make a movie about Robin Hood or make a movie about the Magna Carta, but don't combine both. And don't have so many plot lines twisting around that you can't give each of them the time they deserve. I don't like it when movies disappoint me. Russell Crowe is a great, believable Robin Hood though. I still think his best movie so far is LA Confidential, and his worst A Beautiful Mind, but not because I don't like him, I just thought the movie was a little too big for its britches. And now I'll stop trying to be Roger Ebert and go to bed.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Cat Thursday

Ok, so here are a few questions for you to think long and hard about, and then share with me and the rest of the blogging world.

1. What were some of your childhood ambitions and have they changed? What do you wish you could do for a living now?
Mine were to be an actress, singer, and missionary. Later I decided I wanted to be a journalist and a writer, and now I want to be a teacher and writer on the side. And I still love to sing and act.

2. Who have you been told you look like?
I've been told I look like my mom, my dad and my aunt. I've also been told that I look like Christina Ricci and this French actress named Anna Karina. Which was flattering.

3. What are you allergic to?
Poison ivy! I have to get a cortisone shot if I get it.

4. If you were Miss America what would your platform be?
Not that I plan on being Miss America, but if I WAS, I would spread the word about the importance of mental health. In my experience it seems like the average person is pretty ignorant about good mental health, and the sad thing is that, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, "An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. When applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people." That's alot of people in pain, plus their families and friends (who are sometimes not sure what to do to help). We have sex-ed classes; we should probably have health classes that focus on physical AND mental health and practical tips for kids and young adults, so they can start good habits early. Maybe that would reduce the number of crazy serial killers or at least help people struggling with depression/anxiety/bipolar disorder/etc. know that there are things they can do to take their lives back. This may seem like a downer post, but really I think it's so important that people realize there is help for everything! The problem is that many people keep things like that to themselves and suffer needlessly.

5. Have you ever been in a physical fight?
Only with my younger brother, but those ended when he got taller and stronger than me.

So those are my questions...looking forward to your responses!

And just because I want to post some fun pics, here are some things that cheered me up today: pictures of cats! I'm ridiculously easy to cheer up....I just google cute animals and before I know it I've wasted 2 hours perusing pics of terriers suckling kittens, and pigs and turtles nuzzling. I even found out that in Japan they have "cat cafes" (more like a cat harem) where you pay a few bucks to sit and play with kitties. Brilliant! I wish there was one around here. Anyway, here you go:

My cat Tubby

My parents' cat McKinnley...she doesn't look comfy

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Healthy Wednesday

I have decided I want to impose some order on this blog because I feel like it is all over the place. (Which is like real life and thoughts, but we have to impose order on those too sometimes).

So, I've decided that if you read this blog, you can look forward to the following topics/themes each day:

"Make Something Monday" in which you, dear reader, and I will attempt to make something fun or useful, preferably with cheap stuff or things we already have.

"Thumbs Up Tuesday" (or thumbs down) in which I tell you all about art/music/movies/books/etc. that I have personally been enjoying lately (or hating). I would love for you to share comments on things YOU have been enjoying/disliking as well.

"Happy Healthy Wednesday" where I share some ideas and tips and recipes that I've found helpful as I try to be healthier.

"Question Thursday" in which I ask some questions and you answer them. :) It's a way of helping fellow bloggers get to know each other, and who doesn't like to answer questions about themselves? I think this name is kind of dumb, though. Social Hour Thursday? Tea Party Thursday? 20 Questions Thursday? Eh.

and finally, "Fun Times Friday" where I share some fun ideas for your weekend! And I would love to hear your ideas too!

And since today is technically Wednesday, let's get right to some ideas/thoughts about staying healthy in body and spirit.
This has actually been a big concern of mine because a) I've gained weight since college, and never in places I could use some extra fat, b) I've had periods of really low energy since college, and c) I deal with ups and downs from depression and anxiety. Those are my personal reasons for trying to get back in shape and stay as healthy as I can, and I'm sure each of you have your own important reasons. A healthy body and healthy mind go hand in hand of course, so you can't get away with neglecting one or the other! I think many of us know what to do, it's just a matter of getting into healthy habits and avoiding things that we know cause problems for us, like watching tv for four hours, eating fast food too often, or drinking diet coke like it's water. For example, sometimes I skip breakfast because I'm lazy, eat a a fast food lunch, scarf down a huge dinner and then sleep on a full stomach. My mom chided me for this and encouraged me to start eating breakfast. Her great idea was for me to make shakes, and for about 3 months now I have had shakes pretty consistently and they are so easy!

Breakfast Shake
1 banana
4-5 frozen strawberries
about 3/4 cup plain yogurt
a little orange juice or applesauce
I add some liquid fish oil because it's supposed to help stabilize mood and just be good for you in general. Mine tastes lemony.
Blend it up and enjoy! It's really quick and won't give you a sugar high (and slump) like many cereals. You can totally experiment with any variety of fruit . Oatmeal or something with protein, like cheese toast or a scrambled egg with salsa in a tortilla would be good too. Anyone else have a favorite breakfast idea?

As far as a healthy mind goes, I encourage you to write things down throughout the day when you find yourself feeling stressed or upset, or just have a brilliant idea! I take a notebook with me almost everywhere I go and I write down ideas I have, to-do lists, and things I'm worried/upset about. This makes me feel better because I don't worry that I'm going to forget something important, and I know that I can take time later to think through something that's been bothering me instead of worrying about it all through the day.

So, happy, healthy Wednesday to you!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday night

This week I:

1. got very very angry at horror movies and the people who make them. I despise those types of movies. Glorifying human suffering seems evil to me.

2. want to buy a baby duckling off of craigslist and buy a little pool for him/her. I could name a girl duckling Jemima Puddleduck from the Beatrix Potter's stories!

3. want to pick up the bee hive someone is trying to get rid of on craigslist, but I don't think I can raise bees myself without an expensive bee-keeping suit. How awesome would that be to get your own honey out of the back yard?

4. tried to read "Great Expectations" and couldn't muddle through it. I like the story itself but not Dicken's style. I think I give up on Dickens. I've tried to read a couple of other books and they just aren't for me. I do, however, like this book I picked up in Goodwill a week ago: "The Official Preppy Handbook." It's got all kinds of amusing chapters like " Breaking the Rules: The Importance of Getting Kicked Out," and "The Ski Vacation." Here are some of the preferred hobbies for being a preppy: bird watching, boating, COLLECTING (anything expensive), furniture restoring, and shopping. I do remember fondly my penny loafers from 5th grade, and I like polo shirts, but I think I have a lot of work towards becoming a bona-fide prepster.

5. went to see "The Secret of Kells" (which was beautifully drawn!) at the Modern Art Museum and when I walked out, lo and behold there was a French food truck from CA making a stop and being filmed for the Food Network. So I sampled some escargot in a puff pastry. It was delicious! So now I want to go snail hunting and cook my own! Here's an article about just that. And another one from Mother Earth News that even has a bit about making your own earthworm patties. I think I'm ok sticking to hamburgers.

6. decided I want to visit Marfa, TX. It's 7.5 hours away from Ft. Worth though. I need to recruit some friends to go with me!

7. got angry with people I know for various reasons. How do you get over being angry? Maybe just try to forgive and forget and distract yourself?

8. read John Kelso's (of the Austin American Statesman) book "Texas Curiosities" and got some ideas for places I want to see this summer. The book was pretty entertaining and funny. So I wrote him a fan email and he responded! I felt special. :) Here a link to some of his articles.

9. am thinking of and praying for a family I went to church with in Round Rock when I was in high school. The youngest son, just 20, was driving through east Texas a few days ago and somehow ran off the road and into a tree and was killed. My heart hurts for Ethan's parents and 2 brothers.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

I went to a huge job fair today...maybe something will come of it! Afterwards I drove to the Goodwill in Irving to treat myself, and I bought some fun stuff but I can't show you yet. Be patient my little chickens! I also visited the antique mall that is unfortunately located practically in my neighborhood. I have found many things I want like an old typewriter:

a beautiful snakeskin clutch that looks kind of like this one:

and a Mexican tooled leather travel bag kind of like this one:

I have thought about whether it's ok for me to like snakeskin and leather, and I have determined that if the item is vintage I feel much less I a bad person? :(

My brother loaned me the book "How Not to Write a Novel" by Mittelmark and Newman. They write little scenes that they say exemplify the mistakes that bad writers make. One is using big words that they themselves don't really understand. The book can help with this problem! "A Test: Do I Know This Word? Ask yourself: 'Do I know this word?' If the answer is no, then you do not know it." Snarky little comments are sprinkled throughout which made this an informative and a funny read.

I had a nice chat with my roommate the other day about serial killers and depression (fun happy times!) and we wound up agreeing that Philippians 4:8 has it right: "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." I am intrigued by people and what motivates them, especially when they do crazy, evil, or just dumb things. That is why I sometimes find myself glued to the tv for a couple of hours watching the Kardashians, the Jersey Shore shenanigans, or true crime stories (BTK Killer). It's fascinating stuff, but it totally brings me down, or scares me and really, there's no reason to pour that stuff into my head. Although I will let myself watch Law and Order every now and then!

I discovered the joys of Flickr recently and I anticipate spending many an hour discovering beautiful photos like this one from Rui Palha

And in the spirit of keeping things random, here's an article about me, actually. Ha!

May God be with you friends!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Looking forward

I don't feel good so I'm watching Harry Potter and eating cosmic brownies to cheer myself up. I'm down about how hard it is to connect to people sometimes-it seems like everyone is so busy, or that people come in and out of my life without much staying power. It seems easier to retreat to world of books and music and movies and acquiring things and my own self promotion. But what is easiest is not always what is best and healthiest. And as I've gotten to know myself better I've realized that some people just don't need as much togetherness to feel close and connected as I do, and that I shouldn't be angry with them or think they don't care about me. That is what has happened in the past, and I'm tired of the same old song and dance.

On a lighter note, I'm excited about a creative endeavor I'm trying out this Tuesday. If anything good comes of it I'll post about it.I also enjoyed browsing around the mall today-I almost bought some glittery shoes at Forever 21 and thought better of it.

The older I get the more I realize that in some ways I'm still very much like the kid I used to be. I still love reading and biking and cats and trees, dress up, singing and weird little crafts (I used to make hair bows and Sculpey jewelry). I'm still kind of shy and too sensitive and I love swingsets and bubble baths. But it's also nice to know that I've changed for the better in many ways. I feel better about myself the older I get, and more hopeful about the future. I've even stopped worrying so much about being single. I'd rather be single than with someone who doesn't "get" me or who I don't really respect or enjoy. I moved from my hometown at 16 and was terrified, but now I'm happy we moved. I went to a college where I didn't feel I fit in, but I learned a lot about myself and other people (I learned the hard way about a lot of things) and made some meaningful friendships. I find myself at 27 still yet to have a "career" or significant other, but I'm getting closer and closer to being the person I want to be and I find that I'm less anxious and cynical at 27 than I was at 17. I like to think that my best years are ahead of me.

And on a totally different note-here are some things that I've enjoyed looking at recently:

Colorado Bend State Park- I want to go!

kayaking on Town Lake-good memories

I think these shoes are fantastic!

I heard the song "Our House" a long time ago and just recently learned that Graham Nash wrote it for Joni Mitchell when they lived in Laurel Canyon. I really like this book...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I love my new banner

I have to say thanks to Moorea Seal at the Rumination Reading Room for making me an AWESOME banner!!! You should have her make you one too! Or just check out her blog for fun, creative ideas.