Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Random fun things

Here are some things I've been enjoying lately:

I love the song "Jolene," both Dolly Parton and Jack White's cover

Horsefeathers is music to be excited about...

I think I have a thing for Kristen Stewart...or maybe it's just this aesthetic. Can't wait to see "The Runaways."

Here are some things I've been admiring that I would buy if I had extra money lying around:
These shoes...

...and a top hat

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Things I've enjoyed recently:

I love these chairs...so Alice and Wonderland!

Jeff Bridges makes me laugh, from the Big Lebowski to the hippie man in "The Men Who Stare At Goats." I hope that my husband someday is this kind of crazy hippie.

This woman's art is so intriguing!

Listening to podcasts of NPR's "All Songs Considered" makes me laugh and introduces me to great new music.

I've been reading this book this week and I want to take to heart the idea that I can let go of people who don't make me feel good about myself. To quote the author Gail Blanke: "I'm going to throw out thinking that if somebody doesn't like me, it's my fault. I'm going to let go of thinking that I have to please everyone all the time-or else I'm not good enough..."

I took an impromptu walk in my neighborhood in flip-flops and wound up getting caught in the rain. I walked home barefoot and got soaked but it was really relaxing. All my accumulated frustration from that evening seemed to drip away. I miss playing in the rain when I was a kid. After a good rain was the best time to dig for earthworms under the moss in the backyard or go down to the ditch and play in the water-moccasin infested water!

Monday, April 12, 2010

I should be in bed, but I've spent the last 2 hours on the internet...and yes, half that time was spent looking at funny/cute youtube videos of cats and babies like this one. and this one.

I went to a good concert last night: Camera Obscura. Aside from all the cigarette smoke it was a good time...I liked the venue: Hailey's in Denton. I like smaller places like this...when the band walked off stage they were close enough to reach out and touch, which is cool cause how many times are you close enough to someone famous that you get to see that they are just people too, out there doing their thing. There wasn't anything really flashy about them-just easy to listen to music and a lead singer with a good voice and good fashion sense. My friend Jason and I had fun mocking people's outfits as well. All in all $10 well spent.

I've also been intrigued by "What White People Like" I don't quite know what to think about it. It's kind of funny and kind of annoying at the same time.

Lately I've been thankful for: doughnuts, living in Ft. Worth, visiting Austin-staying with one friend and having dinner with another, the library, music videos, homemade meatballs and the roommate who made them, spring weather, my dependable car, having a lawn to mow, and being able to talk to God every now and then. I have so much to be thankful for.