Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Thumbs Up Tuesday!

Today I cried about 4 different times, then broke down and got an ice cream cone at Braums and went for a drive around the lake. I feel better. Just thought you should know. Oh, and I am now qualified to teach 4-12th English! Yay! Someone give me a job please!

Today is Thumbs Up Tuesday, though I'm aware I skipped Make Something Monday. As soon as I make what I want to post about I'll do it.

Let's get the bad news over with first. Here are some things I have been DIS-liking, and no, this is not an exhaustive list. If something near and dear to your heart is on the list, let me know why you disagree! But I probably still won't like whatever it is! :)

chick lit-unless it's historical fiction chick lit...then I may like it :)
Robot chicken
hating Obama's health care plan without knowing anything about it
Saved by the Bell-ugh, the clothes!
HD radio that comes from somewhere on the East Coast
the movie Airplane
playing the stock market instead of having a real job
Zooey Deschanel's speaking voice and singing voice-it sounds contrived...unnatural? I don't know, just not for me I guess.
500 Days of Summer
bedazzled purses, shoes, etc. (especially if worn by females over 12)
Maxim and their "how to cheat" cover story (but just Maxim in general)
Dinosaur Comics
Lady Gaga (though I do like her clothes)
labels on my clothes (including Chanel, Luis Vuitton, what-have-you)
Stephen King's books

Ok, on to the FUN list! The LIKE list!
Ryan Bingham
Cat Power
researching Obama's health care plan and coming up with a rational opinion
King of the Hill
Forever 21/Target/Dillards on sale
Kate Miller-Heidke-recommended by Ben Folds as well as by me!
valuing hard work
Calvin and Hobbes
Panera Bread (or copying their recipes at home)
Esquire-(as opposed to Maxim) and why shouldn't people occasionally read something targeted to the opposite gender? It grows your mind.
Family Matters
Deviant Art.com
public radio that comes from my local community
The Middle East "Blood"

And this concludes my thumbs down/thumbs up litany.

Oh and here is a gratuitous cute picture from deshow.net

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