1. got very very angry at horror movies and the people who make them. I despise those types of movies. Glorifying human suffering seems evil to me.
2. want to buy a baby duckling off of craigslist and buy a little pool for him/her. I could name a girl duckling Jemima Puddleduck from the Beatrix Potter's stories!

3. want to pick up the bee hive someone is trying to get rid of on craigslist, but I don't think I can raise bees myself without an expensive bee-keeping suit. How awesome would that be to get your own honey out of the back yard?
4. tried to read "Great Expectations" and couldn't muddle through it. I like the story itself but not Dicken's style. I think I give up on Dickens. I've tried to read a couple of other books and they just aren't for me. I do, however, like this book I picked up in Goodwill a week ago: "The Official Preppy Handbook." It's got all kinds of amusing chapters like " Breaking the Rules: The Importance of Getting Kicked Out," and "The Ski Vacation." Here are some of the preferred hobbies for being a preppy: bird watching, boating, COLLECTING (anything expensive), furniture restoring, and shopping. I do remember fondly my penny loafers from 5th grade, and I like polo shirts, but I think I have a lot of work towards becoming a bona-fide prepster.
5. went to see "The Secret of Kells" (which was beautifully drawn!) at the Modern Art Museum and when I walked out, lo and behold there was a French food truck from CA making a stop and being filmed for the Food Network. So I sampled some escargot in a puff pastry. It was delicious! So now I want to go snail hunting and cook my own! Here's an article about just that. And another one from Mother Earth News that even has a bit about making your own earthworm patties. I think I'm ok sticking to hamburgers.

6. decided I want to visit Marfa, TX. It's 7.5 hours away from Ft. Worth though. I need to recruit some friends to go with me!
7. got angry with people I know for various reasons. How do you get over being angry? Maybe just try to forgive and forget and distract yourself?
8. read John Kelso's (of the Austin American Statesman) book "Texas Curiosities" and got some ideas for places I want to see this summer. The book was pretty entertaining and funny. So I wrote him a fan email and he responded! I felt special. :) Here a link to some of his articles.
9. am thinking of and praying for a family I went to church with in Round Rock when I was in high school. The youngest son, just 20, was driving through east Texas a few days ago and somehow ran off the road and into a tree and was killed. My heart hurts for Ethan's parents and 2 brothers.
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