1. What were some of your childhood ambitions and have they changed? What do you wish you could do for a living now?
Mine were to be an actress, singer, and missionary. Later I decided I wanted to be a journalist and a writer, and now I want to be a teacher and writer on the side. And I still love to sing and act.
2. Who have you been told you look like?
I've been told I look like my mom, my dad and my aunt. I've also been told that I look like Christina Ricci and this French actress named Anna Karina. Which was flattering.
3. What are you allergic to?
Poison ivy! I have to get a cortisone shot if I get it.
4. If you were Miss America what would your platform be?
Not that I plan on being Miss America, but if I WAS, I would spread the word about the importance of mental health. In my experience it seems like the average person is pretty ignorant about good mental health, and the sad thing is that, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, "An estimated 26.2 percent of Americans ages 18 and older — about one in four adults — suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a given year. When applied to the 2004 U.S. Census residential population estimate for ages 18 and older, this figure translates to 57.7 million people." That's alot of people in pain, plus their families and friends (who are sometimes not sure what to do to help). We have sex-ed classes; we should probably have health classes that focus on physical AND mental health and practical tips for kids and young adults, so they can start good habits early. Maybe that would reduce the number of crazy serial killers or at least help people struggling with depression/anxiety/bipolar disorder/etc. know that there are things they can do to take their lives back. This may seem like a downer post, but really I think it's so important that people realize there is help for everything! The problem is that many people keep things like that to themselves and suffer needlessly.
5. Have you ever been in a physical fight?
Only with my younger brother, but those ended when he got taller and stronger than me.
So those are my questions...looking forward to your responses!
And just because I want to post some fun pics, here are some things that cheered me up today: pictures of cats! I'm ridiculously easy to cheer up....I just google cute animals and before I know it I've wasted 2 hours perusing pics of terriers suckling kittens, and pigs and turtles nuzzling. I even found out that in Japan they have "cat cafes" (more like a cat harem) where you pay a few bucks to sit and play with kitties. Brilliant! I wish there was one around here. Anyway, here you go:

My cat Tubby
My parents' cat McKinnley...she doesn't look comfy
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