a beautiful snakeskin clutch that looks kind of like this one:

and a Mexican tooled leather travel bag kind of like this one:

I have thought about whether it's ok for me to like snakeskin and leather, and I have determined that if the item is vintage I feel much less guilty...am I a bad person? :(
My brother loaned me the book "How Not to Write a Novel" by Mittelmark and Newman. They write little scenes that they say exemplify the mistakes that bad writers make. One is using big words that they themselves don't really understand. The book can help with this problem! "A Test: Do I Know This Word? Ask yourself: 'Do I know this word?' If the answer is no, then you do not know it." Snarky little comments are sprinkled throughout which made this an informative and a funny read.
I had a nice chat with my roommate the other day about serial killers and depression (fun happy times!) and we wound up agreeing that Philippians 4:8 has it right: "Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." I am intrigued by people and what motivates them, especially when they do crazy, evil, or just dumb things. That is why I sometimes find myself glued to the tv for a couple of hours watching the Kardashians, the Jersey Shore shenanigans, or true crime stories (BTK Killer). It's fascinating stuff, but it totally brings me down, or scares me and really, there's no reason to pour that stuff into my head. Although I will let myself watch Law and Order every now and then!
I discovered the joys of Flickr recently and I anticipate spending many an hour discovering beautiful photos like this one from Rui Palha

And in the spirit of keeping things random, here's an article about me, actually. Ha!
May God be with you friends!
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