Saturday, August 28, 2010

Here are some things I've been thinking about lately:
-Mickey Rourke 's persona in Iron Man and The Expendables. I can't decide if he's a actually a good actor, but I sure like his face. He seems so cool with his pipe and tattoos and little glasses.
-I've been wondering if most people's thoughts are somewhat structured or just totally random....Do you have to practice to get a more organized mind? And does everyone get creative thoughts when they lay down at night? It seems like as I lay trying to go to sleep is when I have all these thoughts of things I want to do or write or think about or weird little phrases I think are clever.
-Is art just an expression of neurosis? I heard one artist say that and I still wonder about that. I guess people have different reasons for why they paint or make music or act or whatever. It just seems like as a culture since we have more time for leisure we will naturally have more art and music and it gets complicated (to me) to figure out whether to spend energy taking in/enjoying the things other people have created or spending more time trying to create things myself.

And here are some good things I've been enjoying that you might like too:
-Martin Puryear's art
-new Futurama episodes online
-This kind of High Fructose isn't bad for you.
-Julie Morstad's drawings
-"The Girl who kicked the hornet's nest" It's not one of my all time favorites, but these books have been pretty interesting so far.
-Window shopping
-This site, Artessen, that has lots of pretty pictures

Thanks for reading and if I could reach through the computer I'd give you a grilled cheese sandwich, a glass of iced tea and a hug, just because. Aww.

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