Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sunny Wednesday

I took a walk today. I saw yellow daffodils, fruit trees in bloom, and I crushed acorns under my feet. Thirty yards ahead of me an old man walked his dog. The dog's walk was a strange, dance-like sashay that made me laugh the whole way home.

I feel lonely, but with the weather so beautiful, I don't mind as much. I've been reading a lot, as usual, and watching movies and listening to music, and though I really love doing all these things I wish I had more adventure in my real life and more people to share it with. The most exciting thing I do weekly is go to Denton to hang out with a friend, or write practice lesson plans. I can't wait until I have enough money to travel, but until then, books are the next best thing. Any ideas on how to drag some drama into my life? A guy would help, I know...or maybe I could take up a new hobby, like tap-dancing. That seems fun. Or hang-gliding. Or I could take up shrooms or something. Speaking of, I borrowed a friend's classroom management book and it had a whole section in there about drugs and their nicknames and such, presumably so I as a teacher can know when my dastardly students are trying to speak drug lingo in front of me, or whether they show signs and symptoms of a drug habit. I have to say, I learned a lot that I didn't know from that section. I feel much more worldly now.

I finished "The Old Patagonian Express" by Paul Theroux. It was not quite as fun as his first book; I think the most interesting part is when he meets Jorge Luis Borges, the famous Argentinian writer. On a lighter note, I watched "Fantastic Mr. Fox" yesterday and I loved it! And I saw a trailer for a movie coming out called "Pray Eat Love" that is based on the book of the same name by Elizabeth Gilbert that was wonderful! I also decided that Passion Pit and Neon Indian are my favorite bands on my ipod right now...that and "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me." I had forgotten how much i like that show. I just have to take it in small doses.

I'm off to the living room to watch "Coco Before Chanel" and maybe work on my depressing short story. If I like it at all I'll post it here where all my many readers (haha) can read it.

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