Thursday, March 11, 2010

I have neglected my blog....I've missed it. Here's what I've been up to mainly:
1. new job hunting-yay! I need a change
2. reading: Paul Theroux's travel book "The Great Railway Bazaar" (loved it!), 1850's British mystery novel "The Moonstone" (kind of tedious), currently reading a steampunk novel "The Court of the Air" (seems good so far)
3. seeing friends (I had Nepali food at my brother's house last Friday and laughed harder than I have in a long time), dinner and Academy Awards watching on Sun. night (I now can't wait to see "The Secret of Kells"), had a friend over tonight and ate broccoli cheese casserole and watched "Jane Eyre"

I feel like I have so much to be thankful for lately!
1. finding out that some medical bills I had are no longer owed! That was a great relief to me and very unexpected!
2. people who make me laugh and feel better-my roommates, my brother, another friend in particualar....really everyone I interact with (including on facebook)
3. the bookstore (where I go to relax and be around people. The people at the Starbucks counter now know my face :)

Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Fantastic Mr. Fox coming out on video
2. The Secret of Kells coming out in the theater
3. going hiking next week with some friends

The End

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